11 Feb

Have you ever felt a sudden, sharp pain in your teeth when you accidentally swallowed some piping hot tea? Or maybe when you took a large spoonful of ice cream? This is a very common dental problem. Your teeth and gums could develop this kind of sensitivity due to many factors. Let us discuss why this happens, and how to manage it.

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Our teeth are protected by a layer called the enamel. The enamel is the hardest substance in our body. However, it is not totally immune to wear and tear. It could thin out or get worn out over a period of time, especially if you do the following:


Sometimes, you could be brushing with more vigour than required leading to what is known as overbrushing. Regularly brushing with more force with hard bristles of the toothbrush could damage your enamel over time.

You could consider switching to toothbrushes with softer bristles and use gentler strokes while brushing your teeth. 

Grinding Your Teeth 

Many of us unconsciously grind our teeth, especially in our sleep. When we grind our teeth the enamel gets chipped away, exposing the middle surface of the tooth which is called dentin. This makes our teeth more sensitive as the canals leading to the dental nerves are connected to the dentin. Hence, consuming any food of extreme temperatures leads to pain in our teeth.

You could visit a dentist to be fitted with a mouth guard that would help you manage the effects of grinding your teeth.

Chemicals in Your Toothpaste or Mouthwash

Some brands of toothpaste or mouthwash have substances in their formulas that may not be suitable for you. They may cause you pain due to a chemical reaction, leading to teeth sensitivity. This may also worsen any existing conditions if you have exposed dentin.

You could choose a brand that has a milder formula, so it is not too harsh on your teeth. In some cases, it is better to stop using mouthwash altogether and clean your teeth only by brushing and flossing. Some teeth whitening products may also be the cause for sensitivity, so you might consider avoiding those too.

Eating Acidic Foods

Our enamel can get worn down when we eat acidic food like lemons, oranges, grapes etc. If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, you can avoid such foods or consume them in smaller amounts.

Could It Be A Symptom Of An Underlying Dental Issue?

Sensitive teeth could be a symptom of an untreated dental issue such as, 

  • Cavities
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Worn out dental fillings

It is important to regularly meet your dentist to avoid such problems from leading to further damage. Dental problems can be very painful if left untreated. If you schedule regular check ups, the dentist will be able to intervene at an early stage to manage any issues that may arise.

Tooth sensitivity is a serious issue. If you are experiencing this, it is recommended that you see your dentist at the earliest.


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